Welcome to Carbon Global Welcome to Carbon Global

Experiencing lead generation in London as a Greek-American.

“During this experience I expect to be challenged and to learn more about myself and business operations in the United Kingdom.”

Living and working in London as a young businesswoman.

Growing up Greek-American I have always wanted to move to Europe permanently, yet I had only ever visited for vacation and had never actually experienced a work setting. When presented with the opportunity to live and work abroad I seized the opportunity, knowing that it would give me a taste of what life would look like in Europe, and it would give me a chance to live independently in a new city. Joining Carbon Global will be my first time working in a business development agency and while I am eager to learn more about lead processes, and strategies, I am a bit anxious to enter this new setting. Yet I am confident that with my pre-existing knowledge and adaptability, I will quickly pick up new skills and will apply them at Carbon Global. I am hoping to understand how Carbon Global finds new clients and creates growth for them. With that knowledge, I will help develop new marketing strategies for Carbon Global to position themselves and draw attention to their services.  

As an undergraduate student I have learned and read about business development and the role that (B2B) marketing agencies play in the bigger picture of marketing. Yet I had not had the chance to work within this environment and I have never worked outside of the United States. Working at a lead generation agency in London will allow me to see cultural differences in the workplace between the United States and the United Kingdom. It will also give me the opportunity to understand the operations of an advertising agency and whether this is the type of business environment I want to pursue in the future. Additionally, being able to work quickly when doing research and creating marketing content, is a skill I am working toward as a young professional. I also want to gain a better understanding of how Carbon Global interacts with clients and what kind of relationship they develop as they continue working together.

Getting the opportunity to work internationally and experience the European lifestyle for a longer period of time is always something I dreamed of. Since I started thinking of my future I imagined myself moving to Europe, specifically London, and starting my career and family there. In order to fulfill my future goals I need to start  developing my professional and personal skills. Looking toward my future I want to develop skills that will assist me in the workforce such as adaptability, leadership, and flexibility which I believe I will strengthen at Carbon Global. 

It’s important for me to gain a strong understanding of how every part of the company operates and how different peoples roles come together and form a cohesive company. As a business student I have thought a lot about starting my own company in the future, which was inspired by my father starting a Greek Yogurt brand that was sold nationally in the United States. Being able to work in a startup environment will allow me to see the business growth over the years and will help me understand the approach to starting a business. I will also have the opportunity to develop close relationships with employers and have beneficial conversations about their experiences in the business world.

As a Greek-American I have always dreamed about moving to Europe permanently after college, to be closer to my family and my culture. Living in London for eight weeks will give me a taste of life in Europe and it will allow me to experience British culture and lifestyle for a longer period of time. While I have visited Europe for a few months every summer, I have never lived and worked on my own. I am hoping to visit different cities within the U.K. and to expand my professional network these next eight weeks. During this experience I expect to be challenged and to learn more about myself and business operations in the United Kingdom.

What I like about Carbon Global is the personal relationships they create with their clients, and how the team operates and supports each other when carrying out tasks. I value company culture and believe that without a good work environment companies have a higher chance of failing. I also admire the company structure and how individuals within the company are not directly fighting each other for roles but rather they are focusing on bettering themselves. During my time at Carbon Global this summer I want to redesign the LinkedIn page and create more awareness on social media platforms. I will accomplish this by creating a strategic monthly plan and diving into analytics to find more ways to improve the page. 


Andreana Margaritis

 Marketing Intern

Carbon Global